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Children’s Ministry
Suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the Kingdom of God. The department is one of our most vital ministries. Our Youth are the Church of today. We are dedicated to making disciples of young people age 6 to 26. We seek to follow the two great commandments to “Love God and Love Others. We aim to attract and win the souls of teens, millennials, and mature young adults who are seeking Godly life styles. We promote UNITY, discipleship and creating atmosphere where for teenagers to learn and grow in their faith. We provide biblical learning opportunities, fun, outings and an opportunity to get young adults involved. join us on PURPLE SUNDAY, when we dress down in our t-shirts and blue jeans. If you’re looking for balance and youth activities, Bethel FORCE youth ministry is the place to be. Encourage you to take ownership of their faith. We hope to see you soon!
Men’s Ministry
The Bethe F.O.R.C.E. COGIC Men’s Ministry is a where a group of men of all ages and backgrounds get together, eat, hang out and have good whole-some discussions. The groups primarily meet in homes and or designated areas to attract and welcome like-minded men. We strive to connect with every man and challenge each other to in their walk with the Lord. Each man to live a life of accountability, encouragement, discipline and perseverance. Our goal is to train and equip men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, in the church and the workplace. We push every man to grow spiritually and to ultimately WIN OTHERS TO CHRIST. Join our Christ centered group for Bible studies, good fellowships and service opportunities. Join us as we look forward to teaching men to LIVE, LOVE and reproduce other Godly men.
Women's Ministry
The Bethe F.O.R.C.E. COGIC Women’s ministry is second to none. Our group of women are such a beautiful gift. Despite the mixture of women of all different backgrounds. We come together for friendship and fellowship, and to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord. Our number one goal is to WIN SOULS for the Kingdom and live Christ like lives for others to see and emulate. We have room and a special place for everyone women to fit in. We invite you to join us.
Sunday School
Yes, Sunday School is the greatest School in the WORLD. This is the start and ending of solid biblical teaching and learning. For all ages, we have power packed lessons to stimulate and energize the mind of the believer. We have both fun and sound biblical teaching. Children and adults will learn the about the character of God, the work of Christ, and the means of living in right relationship with Jesus Christ. Our ultimate goal is enhance what the student already knows and to teach uncover the areas that are unknown. We hope to see you each Sunday morning at 10AM.
Urban Initiatives
We strive to reach out and impact our local communities through the COGIC Module of URBAN INITIATIVE. We aim to help and assist Our community through Education programs, Economic Development, Crime Prevention, Family and Financial Literacy.
See more about this initiative at the COGIC website.
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