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About Bethel F.O.R.C.E. 

Church of God in Christ

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Church History

In March 2005, after returning from a third tour in Europe (Germany). The Murchison family settled back into El Paso. They were eager to return to the Bethel Church of God In Christ Family. Serving as the 2nd Assistant Pastor, Elder Murchison felt the call of the Lord upon his life to do a greater work. After many years of faithful and dedicated service at the Bethel COGIC under the leadership of Supt William Moore, he decided to answer the call and a burning desire in his heart for Souls. Supt. Murchison shared his desire and call to Pastor with Supt Eugene Moore and Supt William Moore concerning the vision the Lord had given him. Receiving the Blessings of Bishop William Moore, he decided to move forward and start a new Ministry.


With the blessings of Pastor William Moore and much support from many friends, family and Saints. He sought out and found a suitable location for the Bethel Faith Out Reach Center. The vision came into full reality on 20 July 2005 when the first service was held with only his family. Soon after the Lord put his stamp on the ministry again after Bro Demetrich Lynch was saved and added to the church. The Church was officially organized, and Elder Murchison was appointed the Pastor of the Bethel Faith Out Reach Center. A few short months later the Lord gave Pastor Murchison the acronym, Bethel F.O.R.C.E. –Fellowship, Out, Reach, Come, Evangelize. The new acronym brought new meaning and an easily recognized name for the ministry.


The remainder of 2005 was spent organizing and establishing the church. God continued to prove himself as Pastor and 1st Lady Murchison witnessed and evangelized to those who were un-churched and unsaved. As the ministry continued to be established the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be saved. The location at 1212 Yarbrough, Suite 104 appeared to be a perfect location. Though we were a small church in number our hearts were burning for souls. The church knocked on doors, passed out flyers inviting others to come. God blessed the church at the Yarbrough location. We eventually joined in the Helton Family, the Anthony Family and others. God was truly proving himself. However, Pastor Murchison could see the growth and the need for a more permanent location. The church grew from three members to a membership of over twenty people. By November 2007 the church had 8-12 young people alone. By now the membership was already motivated and interested in finding a new location. The church considered at least two locations. Each time God would ultimately lead Pastor Murchison and the congregation in another direction.


In late November 2007 a new location was found. On 26 Jan 2008 Bethel F.O.R.C.E. COGIC held its 1st service at 8924 Neptune Dr. After being in the NEW LOCATION for only six months the church experienced an increase in membership and the need to expand for a larger sanctuary was evident. The original building was renovated to provide a sanctuary, kitchen, office, two bathrooms and a classroom. The total property included 9000 sq. ft. of land of which we hope at the time to expand by acquiring the lot located directly next to the church. This would increase the property size to nearly 20000 sq. ft. The membership continued to grow strong. The continual need for classrooms, daycare and office space was evident.


By November 2008, the Church was growing at a steady pace and the expansion desperately needed. The building Committee and the newly formed Nehemiah Partnership began to explore the possibility of adding its 1stwing of three phases onto the Neptune location. We could see the new sanctuary with more room to grow within our reach. We were blessed to complete the initial plans and prepared to lay the foundation by April 2009. The three Phase Plan that God had given Pastor Murchison was seemingly perfect and God was working things out on our behalf.


However, God had a greater plan for Bethel FORCE. In February of 2009 Pastor Murchison was made aware of a vacant Church nearby. He called an immediate meeting with Deacon Helton and select members to discuss the possibility of purchasing the Church on 3800 Olympic Dr. Soon after God would prove himself yet, again. The bid was made and we held our first service at 3800 Olympic Dr on 29 March 2009. What a mighty GOD we serve. The Church was in dire and immediate need of upgrades. God Blessed us to take the Church through a Major over hall to accommodate the steady growth. Bathrooms, entrance way, fellowship hall and accessible walk ways both in the front and rear of the church. It was really a total makeover.


We ushered in 2014 with a continued out pour from God. Nearly every service in that year and season was a total blow out. God showed up! The Lord spoke to Pastor Murchison concerning the growth of the ministry and the long-term VISION. And thus, God opened the door for us, and the Church would make its final move. After placing the Church on Olympic on the market. In almost a 90 day turnaround we were able to sell Olympic and purchase our current location at 7750 Alabama. With over 7200 sq ft. We are blessed to enjoy a larger sanctuary, nursery, numerous classrooms, conference room and multiple office spaces. To include nearly an acre of land for future expansion. God is INCREDIBLE!


Under Pastor Murchison’s leadership the church has been blessed and the VISION God has given him will surely come to pass. We have completed Phase 1 of a fifteen-year plan to grow and expand the ministry. We are very proud and thankful for the Brotherhood Dept, Women’s Department, Youth Department, Music Department, Hospitality, Usher and other Axillaries working to maintain the ministry. We look forward to VISION 2019 and beyond, and a great out pour of the Holy Spirit, as the Lord continues to Bless Pastor Murchison and the Bethel F.O.R.C.E. family.

Please pray for us.

Mission Statement


  • We will reach men and women in the El Paso community by taking our message out that Jesus saves.


  • We will support the local, state, and national leaders and efforts to help those in need.


  • We will remain focused and organized to raise the needed monies to fund our efforts.


  • We will strive relentlessly to win souls for the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Statement of Faith


We Believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God.


We Believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three person: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


We Believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.


We Believe in the sanctity of human life at all stages, from conception to the grave.


We Believe in marriage as being only between a man and a woman for the perpetuation of the human species and lifetime companionship.


We Believe that God’s judgment for sins is death, and that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and in faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that the regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.


We Believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross also provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer.


We Believe that the baptism of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for it.


We Believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in the present world.


We Believe in the resurrection of the righteous and of the wicked for final judgment, with the resurrection of the righteous to eternal bliss and union with God and with the resurrection of the wicked to eternal damnation.

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